Thursday, April 15, 2010

22... What do I do with that?

After your 18th and 21st birthdays, other birthdays seem to pale in comparison.

Nonetheless, birthdays are an excuse to celebrate your life & friends, take the day off, wear a pink boa, and enjoy the fact that you won't get older for another year.. Haha.

This year I almost forgot about my birthday. Thanks to my sister & best friend though, I was reminded plenty of times. I thought it was going to suck, just because I can already drink, I'm already an adult, and there isn't much more except the gateway to wrinkles and spider veins.

But for a 22nd birthday, it was pretty awesome! I got a boyfriend, money, food, and got to hang out with my best friend. What more could a college kid ask for?!

It makes you wonder, why are birthdays are so important to us? I mean, George Washington's birthday is a HOLIDAY. People take the day off for his BIRTHDAY- not theirs, HIS! The day he was sworn into office isn't a holiday, but his birthday is!

Psycho Americans.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Shoulda Woulda Coulda... Didn't.

You know those situations where something embarrassing happens? But you respond by acting pisst off? It could have been that hilarious episode everyone remembers months later. And you knew exactly what to say to make it funny.. the words just came to you too late.

So you walk away kicking yourself for making the situation negative instead of making everyone's day. I mean, too bad it's not every day you drop a thong in the hallway. And 2 guys say "Hey you dropped something".. before any of you realize what it is.