Sunday, May 31, 2009
You never have it all figured out..
Friday, May 22, 2009
Driver Improvement
Every pedestrian crossing a roadway at any point other than the right place at the right time shall be guilty of a ticketable offense. Such a pedestrian is called a "jay walker", or stupid, dumb, or dead! There is one group of pedestrians who can never, ever jay walk. Blind pedestrians are required to walk in a crosswalk. In other words, blind persons can never jay walk. We drivers will want to yield not only to the blind pedestrians, but to the dumb ones as well.
So at first it sounds like you don't have to yield to pedestrians who are "dumb enough" to jay walk, but then it says you have to yield to them. And then it starts talking about blind people as if to focus on what they can't do.
How polite, MVA.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Another Epiphany
I've never understood why most guys seem to get over girls with the snap of a finger. Well it's becoming clear to me that they actually protect their feelings alot more than girls do in the first place. We just put all our feelings out there, while guys tend to (in my experience, anyway) keep their affections invisible until they know it's safe to tell you things (and this tends to be never for you if you don't realize how males work).
That, plus, when they are hurt, they just don't show it. I guess alot of this is because of the way our society expects guys to look indestructable. So alot of them may look that way, but they really aren't on the inside.
where are all these epiphanies coming from, anyway? Don't know.
Happy summer, good job for getting thru finals ppl!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Oh Brother :)
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Thought of the day
Friday, May 15, 2009
Stuck in traffic and sometimes mediocrity
I woke up this morning feeling like I had a hangover. But I didn't, because I wasn't drinking yesterday. Or any of the days in the week before. And I don't get hangovers from drinking because I always drink enough water to prevent one before I fall asleep. It probly had to do with the fact that I got 6 hrs of sleep instead of my regular 9. And that I ate a bunch of sugar before I went to bed. It's days like this where I hate sugar and think about kicking it out of my diet again. I have lasting energy without it. But I always get lazy and revert to eating whatever hasn't molded in my fridge yet. And those are always things with a lot of sugar or salt.
And after my organic chem final, I promised myself again that I would make a schedule to study regularly instead of sporadically next time. Is that going to happen? don't ask. Because, in fact, my life is sometimes average ( Which means I come up with good ideas but am often too lazy to follow through with them.
Later, I was driving home. And surprise, Route 1 was a parking lot again. The one day I didn't ride my bike was the day they decided to do construction and close one of the lanes. So things were moving very slowly, when at all, and I was trying to turn left at a light. I almost had to wait through the same light 3 times because people kept deciding to block the intersection right in front of me. So people in the lane next to me were able to get by, and I had to sit there while it was green. I barely got by the second time it was green, though, just as the light was changing to red again...
And I promised to ride my bike all the next times to avoid irony like this. But when winter comes I'll be stuck in traffic again.
Not average
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Bad moods?
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Whatever Floats Your Boat..
whatever floats your boat / blows your skirt up / butters your bicuit / creams your twinkie / flies your flag / floats your root beer / floats your yacht / humps your Camel / lights your candle / mows your lawn / paints your wagon / takes you home / sizzles your bacon / pickles your gherkin / peels your banana / tickles your oyster / tickles your pickle / soothes your religion/ kills your baby...
Temporary Fufillment
To be able to throw my body into yours,
accepting your embrace as assurance,
To know that you wouldn't change me for the world;
To know that you can be strong when im not;
To know that you think i'm worthwhile
To know that you believe in me
when i don't.
so i can believe in myself.
That is
its You i dislike
Why do you have to be like that?
Impossibly S L O W
and completely stupid.
I can't get away from you
Everywhere i turn, I see
Your hair, your jeans.
You're like a traffic jam
that i take alternative routes
to avoid..
I can't tell you how much I hate
the things you do
because i don't hate those things;
it's YOU i dislike.
Your voice is the lowest decibal
that my ears can pick up
and it makes me want to shake you
until you YELL or fight back
You wear shoes that you cannot walk in
and clothes that you aren't comfortable in
Actually, nothing is comfortable about you
My whole day is darkened
when i waste time with you
and it's YOU i dislike.
Why are you here?
Why do you live life without trying?
Are you just waiting for life to come to you?
It doesn't work that way
Why can't you find something that
you're good at.
I'm not that smart either
but at least I know
my limits.
I wish i could tell you
what bothers me about you,
but its YOU i dislike.
And that is not something I can vocalize
without being cruel.
old poem
i unwrap the paper
that unfolds it
and toss the pink mass
into my happy mouth
I pause for a bit
to remember the texture
of bubblegum.
Sweet, and
strangly weird;
it starts out dry and hard, then
becomes a sticky lump
that needs alot of chewing.
The first couple chews
bring the most
amount of pleasure
to my mind,
before the mound
loses its taste
of bubblegum.
i peer down
my nose,
thru a pink film
at the sidewalk
And then someone's
finger ruins my
perspective as the bubble pops!
Parts of my cheeks
and nose
and lip
feel gummy and sticky
because they stuck themselves
where they did not belong,
into my wad
of bubblegum
Soon my tongue
only recognizes
the texture because
taste is not there
Splat. Stick.
Onto the left side
of the trashbag,
my wad lands permanently.
I smile contentedly and
with confident strides,
I remember that the world is waiting for me
And I have had enough
of bubblegum.