Thursday, May 21, 2009

Another Epiphany

I figured them out! Boys, i mean. And they make so much more sense now...

I've never understood why most guys seem to get over girls with the snap of a finger. Well it's becoming clear to me that they actually protect their feelings alot more than girls do in the first place. We just put all our feelings out there, while guys tend to (in my experience, anyway) keep their affections invisible until they know it's safe to tell you things (and this tends to be never for you if you don't realize how males work).
That, plus, when they are hurt, they just don't show it. I guess alot of this is because of the way our society expects guys to look indestructable. So alot of them may look that way, but they really aren't on the inside.

where are all these epiphanies coming from, anyway? Don't know. 

Happy summer, good job for getting thru finals ppl!

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