Sunday, October 17, 2010


You know those times where a bunch of things really shake you up and you get a bit freaked out/emotional? And there's no one who would understand the situation, so you either bottle it up, explode, or laugh your head off? Well I want to understand exactly why expressing these feelings allows you to let go of the situation and move on. I guess this would apply to anything, really.

But for a situation like this, I especially want to know why it works that way.

The other night I was driving home from work. It had been the most fucked up and out of sorts night of work I've ever had. There is definitely a large degree of comfortability in knowing what to predict, but when that is turned completely upside down --especially without time to think of a rough backup plan-- chaos can and will ensue.

So I was driving home in the early hours of the morning when no one but cops and the occasional pulled-over-drunk-fucks were still on the roads. I was pretty shaken up from what happened at work & just needed to feel "normal" again. I was telling my "weak" self that I didn't need to cry or do anything rash to feel better. But weak self was saying, "Hey at least crying will let it out so you can feel better in a minute." Neither side ended up winning, because then I noticed something amusing.

I was driving up Rhode Island to get home; anyone who knows this road knows it has exactly the right amount of traffic lights which are set to turn red often enough that you can never drive continuously. Especially when you get stuck at one red light, because that dooms you to get all red lights from then on. However, this is more irritating in normal day time hours, because traffic means you cannot keep sailing thru lights when they first turn green- you have to wait for the cars who stopped for that previously red light to start moving.

So essentially, I was too wrapped up in self debate to try to sail continuously through these traffic lights, like I normally would. If you drive fast enough, you can beat the red lights. So suddenly this other car goes speeding by me, snaps me out of my preoccupation, and right away I knew that's what he was doing. So it turned into this game where one of us would be ahead for awhile, then it would switch. The funny thing was that we traveled the same route for the longest time. Finally we were stopped at the same traffic light next to each other. I look over and this car (couldn't see the driver) pulls back.. the light is about to turn green... and then 3- 2- 1, he shoots forward. You definitely had to be there to see how funny this was, but the point is I broke out laughing like I was crazy. And then I felt better.

I guess if you hold something in, different types of emotion can express it. Laughing is just a healthier option.

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