Parents are more concerned with their children being able to support themselves. Secrets of life are something they're happy to hear about after you've found a steady job, found a man "to take care of you".. you know, the things parents are primarily concerned with.
It's really friends that care about the little steps in your life, the mundane details, the instances that lead to your finding the "secrets" of life. They probably find it more interesting because they're often going through similar life events.
Plus, I've pushed my friends away. Ever since I broke up with my first/only serious boyfriend, I decided I didn't want to be that close to anyone.. for a very, very long time. To lose someone who knew you better than you know yourself.. that's hard to recover from. You can make new friends, but you just can't replace people.
Plus, the people I've since befriended have turned out to be complete idiots. So for now I guess I prefer to keep the secrets of life.. a secret.