Monday, November 15, 2010


Today is one of those days where I just need comfort food & comfort friends.. I feel restless and life feels new and strange. Not like a worn-in shoe, the way it normal feels.

I always used to have a person who I could run back to; my friendship & interactions with him would remind me what's really important in life.. that most things really aren't worth worrying about.. he would make me laugh and remind me why I love being me.

I don't have that person in my life anymore. So I have to be that person to myself. I have to remind myself what makes me tick, that people do care, and that making the right choices are worth it in the end. Shortcuts and things done for momentary pleasure are just that; they only mean something in the here and now.

I don't really know what I'm trying to explain. I just need to get past this need for comfort from outside sources. People, things.. can be comforting & bring pleasure. But I'm finding that I simply can't rely on just that.

Also, I would like to say:
If you aren't apologetic to a friend about something you did to hurt them, you have no right to call them a friend or even really be in their life.

That's all.

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