Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Having a significant other is not an excuse to ditch friends.. contrary to popular belief. It's actually not that hard to balance a boyfriend with pre-existing friends. There is no reason to block out best friends when you start dating someone, even in the beginning! If you can't balance friends & your sig other, you're probably going to lose the friends. When you break up with the sig other, you have to create a life without them. And you may have to go shopping for new friends that don't know you'll drop them for your next boyfriend. Unless they know your old friends.

I can't get over how people think there's nothing wrong with ignoring previous best friends to make time for a significant other. Your significant other doesn't need to be the center of your life. They should be part of it, not the whole thing. So few people understand this that I can count them on one hand.

I wish people wouldn't tune me out when I explain that I think people should keep a part of their life separate from the relationship- you should still be able to hang out with old friends and take part in hobbies you enjoy. You don't have to always be with your sig other!

Please realize this before you lose all your friends.

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