Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Still don't get it..

Yes, I love being single.
Yes, I tell people to enjoy their single years, to enjoy friendships with guys, and besides, that we don't need men to be happy.

But sometimes it's not the fact that I don't have a boyfriend. It's more the concept that I can't just choose one. And then I start comparing myself to other girls. You know, the girls that go from relationship to relationship without blinking. Or the ones that have had the same boyfriend for the past 3 years. Or even the girls who have had what I call "1 yr +" boyfriends, whether they're still together or not. At least they've proved to themselves that they're capable of relationships.

I've come to believe I'm not cut out to even be in a relationship. Yes, I can get one night stands, but those get old after a while. When people tell me "but you could have any guy you want" they never realize they actually mean one night stands. Anyone can make a one night stand happen as long as you have relatively okay looks and alcohol. One night stands aren't what girls sit around aching for with their emotions.

Girls do, however, sit around wishing they had boyfriends. And to me it seems like there are way more girls that do this than guys. The million dollar question is WHY? Why do a larger percent of girls waste happiness wishing for a relationship compared to guys? Don't ask me. But let me know if you find out.

I'm happy being single.. for the most part. It's in my weak moments when I want someone to cuddle with or give physical affection that I get frustrated and ask "What's wrong with me, that I'm still single?" And I have yet to find the answer to that question.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Hate List

1. Cell Bio (this class is actually satan)
2. When people are too busy txting to realize you just asked them a question in person.
3. Towels that are always damp
4. When your roommate's txt tone sounds like a train
6. Being so tired you can't function properly
7. Roommates preventing you from getting sufficient sleep
8. Mud on white sweatshirt after just bleaching the sweatshirt the day before
9. The way my face only breaks out when I'm stressed (right when I need more stress)
10. Only getting 2 days off for thanksgiving so that it's not worth flying home
11. The fact that words mean almost nothing these days.
12. Having to endure New Years with your family in bum fuck nowhere.. when there are a million fun things to be doing back home
13. The inability to be invisible (people you don't want to talk to always find you.. even in the strangest places)
14. Getting stuck in an elevator and the awkwardness of the fire dept having to break the elevator door open (because a dumb, rude boy jammed the door).
15. When your roommate uses perfume that smells repulsive & its cold outside so opening the windows is not an option
16. Big sisters who would rather someone else be their little sister
17. Craving sweets but not having any in the house
18. Hearing people talk badly about you (misconceptions of you) when they think you're asleep
19. Confusion resulting from overly thorough naps
20. The way that ONLY ugly boys ask me to dance with them
21. Realizing the window of opportunity has passed.. for any situation...
22. ..But especially when you could have opened the door for a hot male trying to bring his bike inside
24. the idea of eventually birthing children
25. How some people think PMS is not avoidable.
26. The ridiculous cost of Microsoft Word 2007
27. Trying to work in a group with someone who tells your that their work is perfect & doesn't need editing
28. When people buy you something you don't like, and the awkwardness of wondering whether they'll notice if you give it away

To be continued.. possibly.