Sunday, October 31, 2010


Yes, I keep a rolling commentary of quotes that happen throughout my life. And/or tv shows.

MS: "No! That is the fun of this place. I call everybody 'faggie'. Why would anybody find that offensive?"

A: "How to get free starbucks lesson 576.....flirt with the barista boy and let him know you've been there all day."

M: "Atta girl. Show 'em who's boss and what reality tastes like"

R: "I now have a fear of bed frames breaking beneath me.. [and my BMI is only 18.5]"

A: "Just trying to work & being 'slightly' unproductive, lol."
R: "Same.. Was supposed to read a bunch today but instead a) bought a frehhkin bed frame, b) talked to my ex, and c) read about science unrelated to my class."

Coco Chanel: "In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different."

Bandersnatch: "There must be some correlation between how long one has lived unsuccessfully alone, and how successful they are in a subsequent relationship."

B: What are you up to today?
R: Sleep marathon.. Its what i do sundays

L: "Omg if you eat a banana right before you go to bed you get dreams like crazy because of the surge of electrolytes.."

R: "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Which means you're not a beholder"

CardBoardBoxPro to a friend: "You keep coming up in quick match so Whatever I am messaging you."

R: "I have a stomach of steel; if I catch anything, it just ends up as upper respiratory sickness."

U: You're young, you're hot- you should not be in a Snuggie!

A: "This is my favorite christmas song just because i want it to be true.. sometime."

My Dad: "Today it may be raining in your world, but tomorrow you'll feel the sun on your face again."

R: "Today I almost rear-ended a car... WITH MY BIKE!"

R: "My phone got water damage last summer, so now when it's freezing outside the phone screen scrambles & I can't see anything on it."
S: "Not funny but Lol."

B: Actually it's not a present; it's my penis.

R1: "I was out late last night."
R2: "WHERE?"
R1: "da club."
R2: <Can't stop laughing>

C: I’ve recently stopped giving a shit what anybody thinks. And I feel great.
S: But you have cancer.
C: And you have a dead father; both of us make people really uncomfortable...So we can pretend everything’s normal or we can just be our strange selves."

R: "If shoes could talk.. I would prefer that to walls."

R: "I feel like I'm taking myself too seriously when I wear heels.."
K: ".....Do you even own a pair of heels?"

Default: "..I can't explain/ What it's like not knowing/ If I'll ever cross your mind.. "
R: "..So I just assume I do"

Sex and the City's Miranda: "And where’d you find that.. Convenient theories for you monthly?"

RM: "Nope. You're gorgeous. You will have to whine alot AND wear scrubs and possibly shave your head or wear a burka [to keep men from interrupting your thoughts everywhere you go]."

B: ..not playin any shows, but def planning to get crunk tonite
R: Arite, you be cr and I'll be unk.

Yours Truly: "I miss the days when friends cld be counted on cuz boyfriends didn't change them into alien creatures who suddenly stop wanting to hang out with their best friends." 

Maroon5 "Saying I love you has nothing to do with meaning it."

TFLN: "You can't keep talent like that locked up in a relationship"

U: "Support your local bartender- helping ugly people get laid!"

R: "Btw, I miss your house parties! ...I won't go anymore because I refuse to support Dawg's ego."

A: "Awwww :( We WILL hang out soon I promise. And I'm sorry about K and the hover pee and I hope it's a good magazine at least."

Marie from When Harry Met Sally: "All I'm saying is that somewhere out there is the man you are supposed to marry. And if you don't get him first, somebody else will, and you'll have to spend the rest of your life knowing that somebody else is married to your husband."

Stuff Single Girls Like Blog: "...We can talk about birth control (because abstinence is not an option), Brazilians (not the people), penises (yes, we compare notes), blow jobs (yes, we share techniques) and battery-operated 'boyfriends.'"

Stuff Single Girls Like Blog: "Why do we never see our non-single girlfriend? She's spending all her time nesting with the boyfriend at home."

R: "If someone isn't apologetic for hurting you, they have no right to call you a friend."

EM: "My gift is my song. And you can tell everyone that this is your song.. I hope you don't mind.. that I put down in words, how wonderful life is now you're in the world."

A Sephora product review: "Not that it matters to anyone but the manufacturer, but I like the packaging."

Friday, October 29, 2010

Luck? Check.

So I've been thinking a lot about the article on "lucky" people and how their viewpoint seems to continue making them lucky (see previous post: How to Make Your Own Luck).

I've been trying to figure out how much thoughts actually contribute to real life outcomes. It's kindof an interesting experiment; once you start believing -really believing- that good things will happen to you, they do happen. Sure, it may be chance. Those good things may have happened regardless of how you look at life. But it almost seems to be a snowball effect. The more you continue to think about the positive instead of negative aspect to life, it seems like more good things are happening to you, because you don't let the bad things get you down.

Of course bad things still happen; they happen to everyone no matter what. But if you stop dwelling on that, you have more of a chance to accept new opportunities. You will also find you'll start to attract friends/acquaintances who think positively, too. This is great because who wants a friend who constantly whines about life? That just brings you both down.

So think positively! All you have to lose is negativity.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Warped Nightmare

I never imagined I would be the last "single friend" in my circle of friends. Every week it gets closer. Because at least every week I see another "engaged" status, or "in a relationship" status on my newsfeed. It's great that my friends are getting married. But not great for me. Just because I'm only 22. I'm not supposed to be the last single friend yet! I'm not even old enough to rent a car! It's like a warped sense of time where everyone else's life is fast-forwarding, while mine is set to slow-motion. I mean.. I already know married couples my age who are having KIDS. KIDS.

The weird thing is that I'm happy being single. Wanting a boyfriend is no longer my problem. My PROBLEM is finding friends that aren't preoccupied with their boyfriends/husbands. Because how fun is it to go thru 100 contacts on your phone just to find that they're all busy. And when they aren't busy, they don't want to go out dancing or have a "girl's night out." So what do you do with them? You essentially have nothing important in common with them anymore. I mean, even if you do, there is always this strange underlying feeling that you'll never be on the same level as them.

Is it possible to stay close to friends who get married? They're entering a completely foreign world.. all they want to talk about is buying houses, married plans, their husband, etc. Single people don't want to talk about that.. at least, NOT at 22 years old! Ew.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How to Make Your Own Luck

This is an excerpt from a Fast Company article, written by Daniel H. Pink, 2003:
"[Lucky people] have various game plans running in their heads.

We are traditionally taught to be really focused, to be really driven, to try really hard at tasks. But in the real world, you've got opportunities all around you. And if you're driven in one direction, you're not going to spot the others.

Unlucky people, if they go to a party wanting to meet the love of their life, end up not meeting people who might become close friends or people who might help them in their careers. Being relaxed and open allows lucky people to see what's around them and to maximize what's around them."
So he's saying that being a "lucky" person is as simple as being open to opportunities you didn't necessarily plan for. Some opportunities might not "work out" the way you wanted them to, but you've gotta be flexible and optimistic. Even bad experiences can have positive influences on your life if you allow it. Your friends might all be busy on a night you want to go out. That shouldn't stop you from going out on your own, having a great time, and meeting more people than you would have if your friends had been there. Who knows, maybe one of those new people you meet will ask you to model for their salon company. You know, not like that happened to me.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


You know those times where a bunch of things really shake you up and you get a bit freaked out/emotional? And there's no one who would understand the situation, so you either bottle it up, explode, or laugh your head off? Well I want to understand exactly why expressing these feelings allows you to let go of the situation and move on. I guess this would apply to anything, really.

But for a situation like this, I especially want to know why it works that way.

The other night I was driving home from work. It had been the most fucked up and out of sorts night of work I've ever had. There is definitely a large degree of comfortability in knowing what to predict, but when that is turned completely upside down --especially without time to think of a rough backup plan-- chaos can and will ensue.

So I was driving home in the early hours of the morning when no one but cops and the occasional pulled-over-drunk-fucks were still on the roads. I was pretty shaken up from what happened at work & just needed to feel "normal" again. I was telling my "weak" self that I didn't need to cry or do anything rash to feel better. But weak self was saying, "Hey at least crying will let it out so you can feel better in a minute." Neither side ended up winning, because then I noticed something amusing.

I was driving up Rhode Island to get home; anyone who knows this road knows it has exactly the right amount of traffic lights which are set to turn red often enough that you can never drive continuously. Especially when you get stuck at one red light, because that dooms you to get all red lights from then on. However, this is more irritating in normal day time hours, because traffic means you cannot keep sailing thru lights when they first turn green- you have to wait for the cars who stopped for that previously red light to start moving.

So essentially, I was too wrapped up in self debate to try to sail continuously through these traffic lights, like I normally would. If you drive fast enough, you can beat the red lights. So suddenly this other car goes speeding by me, snaps me out of my preoccupation, and right away I knew that's what he was doing. So it turned into this game where one of us would be ahead for awhile, then it would switch. The funny thing was that we traveled the same route for the longest time. Finally we were stopped at the same traffic light next to each other. I look over and this car (couldn't see the driver) pulls back.. the light is about to turn green... and then 3- 2- 1, he shoots forward. You definitely had to be there to see how funny this was, but the point is I broke out laughing like I was crazy. And then I felt better.

I guess if you hold something in, different types of emotion can express it. Laughing is just a healthier option.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Purely for your amusement

So I thought I would continuously compile a list of pick up lines/comments men have used on me...

1) In the chip aisle at the grocery store: "Oh I'll stack you like those chips"
2) While riding my bike on campus: "Can I get a ride?"
3) Halloween weekend, walking back to to my car: "Can I put this up on your shoulder?" A guy referring to this foot-long costume snake coming out of his pants.

More to come..

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

An End to the Parallel

Why is there nothing more frustrating than growing apart from good friends? You became friends with various people at various times because you had something in common. Something important enough in common. Then a couple years go by and you start to realize your paths are slowly, but very surely branching off in separate directions.

First of all, isn't it normal for friends to help friends become better people? The most frustrating thing to me right now is when a good friend refuses to let me help them change for the better. Not CHANGE THEM, but HELP THEM change. Maybe you should leave them alone, shouldn't bother. But is that being a true friend?? No.. Well I don't think so. Say you used to have the same weakness as they do, but you worked on it until you improved. You know exactly how to get better at it, but your friend doesn't want your help. They don't want to change. They feel no reason to change, no matter what you think and say.

Secondly, I believe that the more willing a person is to work on their weaknesses, the stronger that person is. Because it takes a strong person to first of all, admit they have a weakness; and it takes a stronger person to actually work toward strengthening that weakness. Because it's uncomfortable. For example, say you're awful at cooking. You can either continue to eat out the rest of your life, or you can learn to cook & enjoy having friends over for dinner & even lower your food costs. But at first, your dishes may not turn out so good. People may laugh at your cooking efforts. But that's no reason to avoid learning to cook! This is why it takes a strong person to work out their weaknesses; you have to get through the rough patches to get to smoother ground.

Rabbit Trail --[But this is what gets me -- Why wait till "later" to acknowledge and work on your weaknesses?? It's just dumb! I mean, here were are in college, with tons of resources and opportunities available to us. We aren't really expected to be "perfect" or "grown up" yet. So it's the perfect place to work out kinks & weaknesses. I mean, who wants to graduate, get to the real world, and not be able to list "touch typing" and interpersonal skills as skills/strengths? Those skills are definitely expected once you graduate. And life skills aren't much different; in fact, they're probably more important. Who wants to graduate and realize they can't live on their own, cook for themselves, figure out driving directions, manage money, or fix a relatively simple computer problem? Why wait until these skills are essential to life to work on being good at them? I just can't fathom why people do this. Just put in a little bit of hard work now, and it'll be easier later. My mom says it's because people just don't realize that. But it's so obvious that I think they have to realize it. So I'm still at a loss as to why people strongly resist bettering themselves.]

Thirdly, I believe that the stronger you are, the stronger your respective friendships, relationships, and acquaintances will be. So when you try to help a friend become stronger and they refuse to work on it or let you help them, they're indirectly contributing to a weaker friendship.

Some people are more willing to work on their shortcomings, while some will resist at any cost. And some people are good at sitting back & not helping a friend whose shortcomings glare you in the face until you're blind.I'm not one of those people who can easily sit back & watch a friend stay immature while I grow up. I want to help them discover freedom & adulthood like I am starting to discover.

It's like I'm climbing a mountain. From my view, there is no reason or desirability to be at a lower point on the mountain, because I've gotten past most of the trees & can see for miles. But a lot of my friends are still hiking through the trees & have stopped to rest. And don't want to come any further right now. I don't want to go on alone, but I would rather do that than go back down to those stuffy dark trees where you can't see anything.

You obviously want to help your friends prepare for the next segment of the journey, so they can come along with you. But if they refuse, there's nothing you can do. Nothing. And that's when paths branch off.

Monday, October 11, 2010


I'm pretty sure I flashed my thong and/or butt crack at about 20 innocent bystanders in Stamp today. Disclaimer: If you have been psychologically scarred by this viewing, I do not apologize or take responsibility for this event.

I do, however, advise against wearing pants that don't have an elastic waistband after a weekend of not having time to eat. That said, enjoy your Monday!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

1 Reason

There is one underlying reason as to why I do not choose to be a christian. I cannot chose a way of life that essentially entails following a list of rules. And there IS reason & rhyme to this. I know the christians make all these claims that their religion is NOT a bunch of rules, but the point of being a christian is to follow Christ.. which means you need to do certain things (aka follow rules, guidelines, whatever you want to call them); otherwise you're following yourself and there is no point in calling yourself a Christian.

So that's the reason- I can't chose a way of life in which I can't choose to edit the rules & morals according to different situations.

To me, it doesn't make sense or seem very realistic, or even functional, to use someone else's rules to live out your own life. And according to christianity you must follow the rules no matter what (unless you want to sin). And I do agree that the "end" does not justify the means. You shouldn't just do whatever you want to get to a certain end point. However, what if there's a situation where there's nothing else better to do?

For example, say a friend keeps flaking out on you, 9 out of 10 times. This is just "how they are," but you feel extremely disrespected. They don't even let you know right away if they can't show up; they let you find that out after they never show up or answer their phone. So you confront them in a kind way, asking what's going on and what can be done so this pattern can stop. They refuse to see there is a problem. So you start flaking on them, because that seems like the only way to make them realize how shitty it feels to be flaked on by friends.

In this example, I would MUCH RATHER teach someone a lesson by reciprocating their wrong actions to them-- than to let them keep treating me as a doormat. However, two wrongs don't make a right.


And I'm not sure this explains the reason fully. What I am using too many words to explain is: why choose a pre-determined set of behaviors that you can't even theoretically imagine yourself successfully following? Why would I chose a way of life that says "to be drunk is sin" when I occasionally plan to get a bit drunk? Why would I set myself up for failure? I find it extremely hard to figure out how to abide by christian rules without becoming a generic stereotype of a christian that both I and everyone else will hate.