Friday, December 10, 2010


Garmins, Tom Toms, Magellans.. Do you really need one? Having a GPS is definitely useful at times, but besides the fact that phone GPS's are soon going to outdate Garmins, I just see GPS's as another thing to carry around.

I would rather look up directions beforehand; yes, this sometimes takes longer if you can't find the right road, but you know the area better if you always look it up beforehand because you can add a small amount of new information to the map you already have in your head. Eventually, you end up having a pretty large map in your head- instead of blindly following arrows. It's like dialing in a phone number instead of just pressing SEND on your cell phone. Then when your cell phone or GPS is out of battery, you aren't completely screwed.

I just love the thrill of thinking I'm lost and yet forging a successful route in spite of it! Today I was on my way home from a friend's house and took a different road than normal. I quickly realized why I've never taken that route before. In minutes I was in downtown DC, driving right past the Washington Memorial. The last time I've been close to that was in the summer, when I was on foot with no idea of which roads were around me.

Route 50 quickly dissipated into Constitution Ave, which forked into Pennsylvania, then Louisiana. I decided to follow another car that seemed to know where it was going when I got to the fork. I ended up going in circles in front of Union Station. I recognized it, but had only ever been there via Metro. Finally, I found my way out and just happened to see the sign for North Capitol Street. This was some pretty wild luck- I only know North Capitol because I use it to get to work on the weekends. After that I was home free.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Unfinished Mementos

You call me ‘best friend’
But that’s more of a nice thought-
Not a reality

And you act so loyal
That it’s a cold shock
When you forget about me

So no one sings about friendship,
But this is important

You think I’m so entertaining
But I’m just living while you
Drown in limits

You sit here and enjoy the ride
But I’m kicking you out & now
You’re outa friends

If a failed friendship upsets you,
Maybe you shouldn't have
Tossed it away

The point is that
Friends don’t leave you hangin or standin alone, and
Friends don’t ignore you when you dial their phone

If you really wanted to be friends,
You wouldn’t have insulted me
For wanting to hang out

If you knew what listening was,
You wouldn’t have kept yelling

Nonsensical phrases

You blame it all on me,

But you're the one who's changed

A co-dependent blob repelling me

The brain leaked out of your head
And now you say
I invented everything that’s wrong

Don't you forget that

Friends don’t make you feel like shit for trying to be friends;

Real friends are there for you, even when life's a mess

You just wanna stay in your
Comfy little boyfriend nest,
Force me to accept my replacement

If you could get your head to reality
We’d have more words between us

But you'll be stuck a while yet

You're lost in a tunnel of "love"

Where you soak up boyfriend love

But don't love your friends

The death of our friendship
Pains you most, 'cause

I don’t miss a shitty friend

Friday, December 3, 2010


But now I hold my head up high
And you see me
With somebody new
I'm not that stupid little person still in love with you

So you thought you'd just drop by
And you expect me to be free
But now I'm saving all my loving
For someone who's loving me

Lyrics from one of my favorite artists- Cake: I will Survive