Monday, September 20, 2010

Side Note: I love Incubus

7am. The garbage truck beeps as it backs up up & I start my day thinking about what I've thrown away..


What is it about some days where you seem to just wake up on the right side of the bed -and for NO apparent reason? Don't get me wrong -I'm not complaining! I just want to figure out why it happens.. so I can make it happen more often.

Maybe I just had an especially great night's sleep. Or feel satisfied about being productive over the weekend. Or getting my study time organized. Either way, I woke up feeling great about today. I have so much motivation that nothing can stop me from getting things done.

I know it's part of life to have ups and downs. I mean, if you have a couple depressing or just tired/dragging days, anything that follows is likely to be better by mere chance (because even a mundane day is better than negative days). But today is better than a mundane day. For some reason I feel unusually focused & enthusiastic about today. Even life in general.

I guess I'll stop dissecting this & go enjoy my day :)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

You're a Joke.

I feel like every day I live, the male species proves itself to be increasingly disappointing. Just when I think they can't do anything more idiotic, they prove me wrong.

I try really hard to give them the benefit of the doubt. I don't think all men are idiots. I try to hold on to the idea that there ARE normal, sane guys out there. Maybe I'm just surrounded by the wrong types of people, but either way I'm still starting to think there IS no other type.

Today I got a facebook-poke from some guy I've never seen before. He graduated from a different school and lives in another state. We have one friend in common (who I met once at a bar & haven't talked to since). There is just no reasoning behind poking someone you don't know or have something in common with (Like living in the same state). Does this guy actually think I am going to poke back or msg him? Get a brain. And a better hobby.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Idiots #2

So this blog is about men. Again. Okay, I don't know what it is, but guys won't seem to leave me alone these days. And instead of being flattered, I'm a bit peeved. To understand, you gotta hear the background..

See, I've finally struck this little era in my life where I'm becoming increasingly stable/happy/content without a man in my life. I've been really busy with school, work, and volunteering. I love all of these activities. They're building me up to accomplish my major life goals, which is probably why I feel so accomplished. School is obviously going to get me a degree. Work gives me a social life, so I don't go crazy studying; plus money, so I can buy clothes/shoes (hey, looking good improves your mood & even professional rep for the better!). Volunteering is going to get me an internship & job after I graduate.

I also have more people and friends in my life now. This is partly because of all these activities I've been consistently involved with. Some of it's also because I've trained myself to be less blabby about my life. My friends are much more interested in hanging out and/or catching up, because they're interested in finding out what I've been up to. I'm also 100% more positive than I was spring semester. I don't push my issues down people's throats anymore -I either deal with the issues or just keep 'em to myself. There are a few select people who I still mention drama to, but mainly just when I need advice from them.

My skin has been flourishing since cutting down on dairy, plus Kristin & I have been making an effort to dress with a more professional edge. So all of the above has probably been contributing to my contentment in life, and thus, my attitude toward men -because I finally believe & KNOW that I do not need a man. I've finally proved it to myself. I guess that's somehow all spoken wordlessly through my body language. Thus, the reason why I've been getting too much male attention recently.

Well, that or I've been using the metro 200% more in the past 2 weeks.

So basically I've been trying to think of ways to keep men from hitting on me on the metro. It's just annoying because I always bring homework with me & I don't need creepers stealing my study time. Not to mention that so far none of them bother to speak clearly or look me in the eye! I've thought of everything from telling them I'm celibate, to ignoring them completely, wearing earphones, bringing a boy everywhere with me, and more. Let me know if you have any good tactics.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Okay, What IS IT with guys honking at/yelling to/screaming at/whistling at girls when they drive by you??

I mean, what are they actually getting out of this? I think I get why they do it when they're in a car with fellow male friends -just egos that want attention. But it even happens when they're driving solo. Sometimes it's creepy, sometimes it's annoying, sometimes it's just pathetic, and one in a while it scares you out of your wits.

The later is my point of interest. Today I was walking along, far off in my own little world, when a car of guys drives by and screams out the window. I couldn't understand what they actually said, but I jumped because it definitely scared me. My immediate response was to flick them off. Which I did.

I remember in highschool we used to drive around the neighborhood and scream right when we drove by someone. It was funny to see them jump.. but that was in highschool. And it wasn't just guys doing it to girls. I'm really irked that shit like this is still rampant in college.

And besides the freaking-people-out factor, why do guys feel this need to hit on everything they pass.. by whistling and stuff? I mean, it just broadcasts how much of an idiot the guy is (unless he actually knows the girl) and the girl is never impressed.

I've asked different guys why they think it happens or why they do it. One response was that the guy has heard of it working waaaay back when... but I don't think that's the main reason. I think they know, probably from experience, that driving past a girl at 40mph doesn't get her in bed; I mean, duh, you're essentially driving away from her. I think they do it to puff up their egos, to feel like they rule their world, that they have the authority to call at women & have whoever they want. I think they want to feel that way, and so they give off that persona to whoever's watching or in the car with them.

Aka, they're idiots.