Wednesday, May 13, 2009

its You i dislike

Why do you have to be like that?

Impossibly S L O W

and completely stupid.

I can't get away from you

Everywhere i turn, I see


Your hair, your jeans.

You're like a traffic jam

that i take alternative routes

to avoid..

I can't tell you how much I hate

the things you do

because i don't hate those things;

it's YOU i dislike.


Your voice is the lowest decibal

that my ears can pick up

and it makes me want to shake you

until you YELL or fight back

You wear shoes that you cannot walk in

and clothes that you aren't comfortable in

Actually, nothing is comfortable about you

My whole day is darkened

when i waste time with you

and it's YOU i dislike.


Why are you here?

Why do you live life without trying?

Are you just waiting for life to come to you?

It doesn't work that way

Why can't you find something that

you're good at.

I'm not that smart either

but at least I know

my limits.

I wish i could tell you

what bothers me about you,

but its YOU i dislike.


And that is not something I can vocalize

without being cruel.


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